
After Kylie woke from her nap today, I saw the Humming bird! I got Cayla to get her while I grabbed the camera. I flew out the door & went around back to the feeder. No luck... H.B. was gone and Ky. was crying for NaMa. I decided to let her swim in her pool for a bit. She tried to catch a butterfly again, stuck her foot in a ant bed and played in the water. Cayla came out & joined us. It was her pleasure to squirt Ky with the water hose! Ky loved it!!! After Cayla went back inside I was sitting on the steps with Ky. Guess what came & landed beside us on the flowers.......a Sphinx Moth !!!!! (Never saw or heard of this moth, thought it was a Humming Bird, along with several other people, found out on the net what is was!!! )I just sat & snapped pict. Came back inside....Ky. ready for supper!!! Chicken, cheese & watermelon!!! After Casey got home, I looked out the window again, HB at feeder, same scenario, I did get some picture but this HB much wiser than other HB. I will try & upload some pictures of todays events! What a blessed day!

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