A Blessed Day!

I went to church and it way my turn to keep the nursery. A very quite nursery this time indeed.

As church was finished I headed to my car, waiting beside my car was some of my sweet family. And little Isabella was saying…I want J, I want J, I want to go with J. And that is exactly what we did. I loaded her up in her seat and off to Publix we went and Franklin playing all the way!

We got what we needed in Publix, along with a Nemo cup she saw that she wanted, I said sure you can have it! Out to the car, loaded up and headed for home. Finished cooking and played and played. Finally they got here and we ate and the had a fun afternoon!

Isabella loves being outdoors!!! And I did grab the camera before she put on some play clothes!


Some little girls got a new puppy! She really does not like him to much as of yet!

But the warming up begins today! Whether she likes it or not, ha!


Run Isabella Run!


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