Yes, Cayla came down with this on the 14th at around 2:00 AM. I did not know anything about it until the next morning. I was in Wal-Mart trying to finish up a few things. The text came though! I went to get Cayden because she did not want him to get it.
Got there, cleaned a few things and we left. I was concerned that with her being pregnant she was going to be dehydrated. Yes, been there and done that…have never forgotten it either! I called her dr for her on the way home. The nurse called me back, as we are talking Cayden began to vomit in the back seat! Yep, all on him and the car seat!!! I only had a few wipes and that was not even enough to get started! Just headed on to Morven and prayed he would make it to the house! Oh boy, we made it!
In the mean time, G-Ma Bridges went to get Cayla’s meds for her. Thank-you G-Ma!!! It did not work!
I called and got Cayden some meds, did not work for him either. WB went and got them for me, one would have thought that I had asked him for a million dollars just to go and pick it up…men! But, he did go and bring it back…..yeah for him!!! Whoop, whoop!!!
I called his dr. back…bring him in….do what??? OK…..Lord, please help him to not get sick and choke in that car seat!!!
Thank-you Lord!!! We made it. Back to the pharmacy, more meds! Calling and checking on Cayla constantly and her calling me to check on Cayden…somebody just give me a nerve pill or shoot me, either will be fine!!! LOL!
Cayla was being stubborn and thought she was going to get better. Would not call the doctor back! After her fever broke, she did feel better…but she is dehydrated!!!
DR office closed now, must call the hospital. They told her to get on up there!!! She still does not want to go! Finally, her sister took over, went and picked her up and took her!!! Her hubby had to go to work.
Yes, I was right. She was dehydrated and was having contractions because of the dehydration! Yep, fluids and two shots later to stop the contracting…she was released! I was getting antsy by about 12:30 and just went ahead, put on my make-up and my clothes. You know how it is. if you are prepared things don’t happen! The minute you are not prepared, it will bust loose!!! LOL!!!
Thank the good Lord the contractions stopped, just think….she could of had to babies under one!!! LOL! Really, we want Bentley to be healthy and this was just to early for him to arrive!!!
On Thursday, I was feeling a little funny myself! We had to get Cayden’s cake ordered. Since we were sickly we did not think we needed to be baking and messing around with food! Nor did we feel like it! I began taking nausea meds on Thursday!
Friday, I am flat on my back sick as a dog!!! Praying I get well enough to go to Cayden’s party. Ryan has also come down with it! We were like…ok….just come on, cause we know its going to get us!
Thank the good Lord, we made it to the birthday party!!!
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