Peach Ice cream

Cayla decided that we had to make peach ice cream. Well, that was a great idea…but, need to find my Aunt Jeans recipe, get ingredients and Cayla said we needed to check the churn. I told her it would be fine. We go to Hahira and get he ingredients. Come home and pick the peaches, peel the peaches, slice the peaches. Mix the ingredients, clean the churn, pour the cream in the churn……..the churn just hums, it will not turn, no ice is stuck! I told you Mama, she said. Off we  go to buy a churn. Home again, clean the new churn, pour up cream, add ice and salt and wait!!!! Is this ever going to get ready???  Yes, Finally!!!! It was pretty good and it was expensive!!! But we made great memories and had a whole lot of laughter and fun!!!  Thanks Cayla!!!

The new churn!!!

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Give me some ice cream NOW!!! I  mean, how long can it take???

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1 comment:

  1. love it... i told ya so!!! i like the pic of me and cayden not so good of me but oh well


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