A Third Grand

On December 20th at 8:53 PM, we were blessed with our first grandson. “Cayden Ryan Hughes” weighing  in at 6 lbs & 5 oz. His height was 20 inches and his head was 13 inches.  He had lots of hair and looks just like his Dad….yep, Mom’s carry them the whole time and they look like their daddy’s…LOL!

Cayla was in labor for 13 hours with this little one, his heart rate dropped several times and had us worried. He liked his home and did not want to leave, and did not until about 8 cm. Just a little stubborn!!! We were all preparing for a c-section, I had three and knew she could handle it, but not the way to go if not necessary!!! All of a sudden, he decided it was time and within a short period of time, he made is arrival! I think we had to wake Daddy up from a little nap for the big event. He laid his head on the side of the bed as Cayla squeezed his hand and I am glad he got a little nap. It was funny…hey, wake up it is time to push!!!  I am very proud of her and Ryan!  And I am so proud we have a healthy grandson!!! God has blessed us once again!

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I love this picture with Dr. Mosley and Cayden!


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Kylie and the Christmas Lights

Kylie, Winston and I are in the truck riding through the big city of Morven  GA. Kylie begins to tell Papa to wook at those wights (the few lights that we have on the power poles. ) Wook at that one Papa, do you see it? And look ober dhere at daht one! The she said, “ I just can’t take….I just want to go to Momma J’s house, get up on top of it and just hang wights every where!!! LOL, it was so stinking cute!!!     So I decided that I would at least have to decorate the front door withe some lights and I did…just for her!!!

Cayden’s Nursery In Progress!

I have been helping Ryan and Cayla get Cayden’s room ready. Painting, moving furniture etc!

We painted and caulked and painted and caulked and it was so very hot!!!  We were so happy when the air got hooked up!!!

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No matter how much we caulked and painted the lines in the wall just did not look good! But Grandpa Randy had a good solution and boy were we glad and it made the walls look nice! Woo-hoo for Randy!

Looking Good!

Caydens showers and nursery

They got the bedding picked out, got it ordered and it is so cute!!! She wanted his name on the wall, but so many of the letters are girlie looking and they did not want that! So I found these chip board letters, she liked them and we cut scrape book paper out to match the bedding---     turned out cute and not girlie! Putting them on the wall was another task….lol…we had to call Grandma Susie over to help us hold them and get them straight! Thank-you Susie!!!

Mom and I found the raccoon and she had his name monogrammed on it, a little something from Great-Nana!

Finishing Touches!

Cayla 2010

We found a used book case, mirror’s from  Target. Boxes and sign from Hobby Lobby. And a glider for rocking from Great-Grandma and Great Grandpa!

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A few more special things from special folks!

A little old, a little new, things that are special from many folks that already love you!!!

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