Doctors Appointment

Went with Casey to the doctor today. She had dilated a little more and had thinned a little more. The mid-wife told her to come back next week , since your not past your due date…..yes I am, it was yesterday….we told her, again! Then she said, well since it is your first child…..we said, no this is the second child, it was in the computer wrong. Once we told her it was the second,  then everything changed a little bit. We told her what happened with Kylie’s birth and so on, then she did a little prep work to possibly get some contractions going. I just told her that Casey was miserable and was ready to have her and that she would rather not wait another full week.

She took us to her office, called Marie and talked with her nurse. They will call us maybe about inducing on Monday. Before we could get out of the check-out Marie had them tell her to wait. We did and we will be having a baby on Monday, if she does not come before! Yeah!!!

I mean, well hello people, Casey is so short and this baby is just getting bigger and bigger…it is time! Come on Monday!

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