Maryland Shopping Sunday Afternoon

Tammie, Dee and I did squeeze in a little shopping. The problem was we stopped at the Tourist Trap, and the Christmas Chalet!

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Yes….the Christmas Chalet!!! Oh boy…lets just say that I took care of my ornament buying that I do every year. Since my kids were little, they have gotten an ornament every year and when they get married they take them and they have some ornaments for their first tree. 

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Tammie bought this ornament for me and I love it and every Christmas will think of her as I hang it on my tree! Thank-you Tammie!

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And these shoes…..I fell in love with….


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A place to record birth information….


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and they are just waiting for Bella……come on Bella, can not wait to hold you!!!

Bought many other items, but can’t ruin everyone's surprises!

Another great shop is…


So much fun!!!

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