Today was run more errands day...will I ever not have errands to run....yes, one day! We needed ph-minus for the barn, bleach, gloves & food. Yes, not all of these go together...but just the same the farm needed these items! This is how it office...valdosta...pick up Cayla...pool store & get the ph-minus...dry cleaners...I wash & dry the dress pants & shirts, but I let them iron, I just am not a good ironer...never will be cause I hate to iron...a little hungry...where else but Covington's...Cayla loves it, too...back to business...pick up bleach & gloves from to see Rick Holmes, love that guy...go to mall & get a dress that Cayla liked, hey, they are on 2 instead of 1, lucky girl...drop CJ off so she can go to work...Walmart...Sams...barn to unload these items, except the Stouffer's lasagna,which is what will be served tomorrow night for the workers...home sweet home...until I remember...YOU HAVE TO DO THE PAYROLL....I really did not forget...I just dread it! Did I say I am tired...wonder why.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the business lunch daddy and the two dresses hey they were on sale!!!!


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