The day I almost flew out the Window

Yep, it  happened later in the day as I wuz just a workin from my chair. Now it ain’t nor ordinary chair. It’s has these three levers on the side of where you susoppesed to sit. Well, that thered granddaughter, being right smart at three years old, decided to grab one of them der levers. Before I could even think to tell her naw, she did it, hit that there lever & flung me near a way hafe out my chair & the winder. Ma hair even flung up there forward where i was a headen, till I latched on to the sides if this here chair. It was a close un again. She done near  about de same things a few months ago…I’m gonna half to get a chair that is a bit more safe roud these smart little grand chillens. They’ll be killed someone with one lever. Is Sam’s open tomorrow???

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