South Carolina Trip

Kylie is so excited about going to the Apple Orchard and seeing her cousins. She is packed and ready to go! Left Morven around 6:30, stopped by Zaxby's in Tifton...long wait, so we played  cash cab while we waited, too funny...had to ask easy questions! Kylie got some Scooby snacks and Mom told her she might start barking and grow a tail if she ate them! Next stop, Perry Ga...gas, restroom's, Walmart..needed a little medicine for Kylie's toe and Scooby band aids. . Kylie said she did not need to go to the bathroom, but as soon as we got her out of the car seat & she stood up…the mad dash was on. Cayla had to go real bad too. Kylie was holding herself, along with the rest of us as we were laughing(Kylie was just a giggling) trying to make it in to the restroom. When we came out of Walmart it was raining, umbrella…in the car!  Got in bad rain for about 30 min. above Tifton, but we just slowed down! Mom wanted to just pull over, but I wanted to get out of it! Got out on some country roads....missed the turn to Gray…not happy about that! I did not ever think that I would get to I-20. I finally let Cayla drive and just had to pop a squat...don't ask, along that dark country road!  Mom  got a little silly around 12:00 and I thought we were going to have to get out the naughty mat for her. She did not do much back seat driving, until Cayla started to drive! Hee Hee!  We arrived safely around 1:50 Friday AM. Kylie fell asleep around 12:00. Dalton was a wake to help us with our bags, thanks Dalton! Missy also greeted all of us! IMG_9506 IMG_9501 Here we are leaving from Morven.IMG_9502

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