Happy 19th to Cayla

Well, with all the excitement of the wedding, this little one's...(who thinks she is grown LOL) birthday just flew by! No we did not forget, we all gathered at Texas Road House & wished her a Happy 19th Birthday!!! This is our caboose & she is 19....oh my, where did the time go??? Cayla was born August 22, 1990 at 9:35 am. She weighed 7 lbs 13.2 ozs. & was 20 inches long....almost as big as her brother! She arrived via c-section, just as the first two! I remember this being the only pregnancy that I actually had my suitcase with! I was anxious needless to say. We had to arrive after 12:00 that night & then they were kind enough to let us wait another 45 minutes or so before they came & took us up to the room! Then, the fun begins, keep you up all morning, poking you for lab work & taking you blood pressure! I stayed awake through all of my childrens births....I carried the little things for 42 weeks & I was going to be one of the first to see the little ones! Winston came in with me this time for the surgery. (Just to sit by my head & pay attention in case my blood pressure dropped as it did one time before.... it seemed like they were all to busy to notice!) Ha! He & Dr. Smith talked about the Ga bulldogs the whole time & the parking problem at the hospital. I am like...o:k... someone is here having a baby!!! Hello!!! After the doc cut through a couple layers of skin....sorry, I know, I know, it is gross, but...as he was about to cut again, with the laser of course, she popped her head right on up out of my stomach.....& let out a scream. I think she kind of scared the doc!!! He said, did you see that....she is ready to get out of there. He told her to wait just a minute & he would get her out, then he said...she looks like her momma. Winston cut the cord & handed her over to the nurse & then asked us one more time, if we were sure this was to be the last one. We said, yes. He then said...good, because we are lucky we got this one here healthy, your uterus wall is like tissue paper & you would not be able to carry any more. Our family was complete with number three.....Happy Birthday Cayla, hope you had a great day & hope you enjoyed this remembrance of your special day! We Love You!


  1. i like this momma... i like the part were i came out screamin.. lol never a dull moment with me around!!

  2. you got that right kiddo!


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