
This afternoon I was on the phone for about 3-4 hours with tech support about my wireless device. Of course I could not understand her & I know she could not me either! I was giving her the numbers & letters off of certain things she needed, she just couldn't understand. I decided I would help her out...you know like the patrol officers do...f as in frog etc. Well, I really did saw f as in frog, it must have really confused her, she just got real quite! I guess trying to figure out what a frog was, do they have frogs in India? When she repeated it back to me..she said f as in friend....why didn't I think of that one? Ha! She also kept saying I as in India! I did ask if their was someone else I could talk to, no answer, I just had to tough it out! I did get tickled a few times, but we did get it working!!! Since I have sat & reflected on our conservation, I have really gotten quite a laugh about it. I also told her we were going to have to have supper together if we did not soon get through. After I said that, she asked me if she could put me on hold for a minute! Ha! I said sure, then I finally figured out one last problem & when she got back on the phone, I told her its working, its working!!!! Thank goodness, I did not want to go to India for supper!

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