Tales of a Pony named Flicka II

Back in elementary school, a friend of mine, Julie Branch came home with me. We had a great time, but the horses had to be fed! Well, everything was going great, I mean sometimes you would forget that this pony had a problem, because there would be long droughts of no chasing...then, boom he gotcha again! Well, we fed him...he was eating, so I figured he was distracted! I think we were running or skipping to the gate, when out of the shadows whom should appear......it was not a man & 8 tiny reindeer...it was the chaser! Now, I knew to hit the trees, but Julie did not..she veered off to the right, which was open pasture, as I veered to the left, the wonderful trees! Folks, I don't mean to laugh at her expense....although we have cackled many times about this......but that pony chased her all around that pasture, her long legs were turning as fast as they could and her long hair was straight out behind her as she was going so fast. All the while she was hollering , "Jill, Jill, help me..scream....Jill, scream.... what do I do?" Mean while, I am trying to tell her, between the screams, to head to the woods!!! I am also yelling for someone from the house to come & help. Julie did make it to the woods with Flicka blazing on her heels. She was shaking like a leaf! Then we did the tree dodge and Mom finally came to the gate & saved us......no sugar cubes for that pony today, no, no, no!!!

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