A Memory of my Dad!

A horse track opened down the road from our house. I think it was Green Acres Race Track or something like that...can't remember. Anyway, Daddy being the horse lover that he was enjoyed going & watching the horses race. We went a few times and it was pretty neat. Daddy had a new, probably used, truck he bought. He was always turning off his truck & leaving it in gear. I really believe it could of been from having trucks that shifted on the steering column in his younger years.( I liked to have never learned how to drive these trucks!!) With those types of steering, you left them in gear so they would not roll. Well, one day he rode to the track to either visit with the people who owned the track or catch the next race. Foggy memory, but this is funny! He got out of the truck that was parked on a bit of a hill, left it in gear, prob. with the door open...as usual...and headed over to his destination....he looked back for a second to see his truck rolling....down the hill....I believe he started running trying to catch it...but it rolled into a tree, head on! Now, my Dad was forever laughing at us about not so smart things we would do. I can remember him laughing at us girls & saying you big dummy! What did you do that for? Well, let me tell you, from then on...our come back would be, well....at least we didn't leave the truck in gear & it run into the tree! We all get humbled some time in our life!! We did not have many mistakes on him, so we used this one often!!! We all got a laugh out of visualizing Daddy running after that truck! Love & miss you Dad!

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