I just witnessed the sweetest Mothers Day wish in the world, & it came out of the mouth of a 3 year old!. I got Casey a gift certificate for a pedicure from Kylie. It was on a pretty pink paper...Kylie loves pink! I let Kylie sign it. When her Mom got home Kylie gave it to her, she could not wait! They did a few things, gave me a card & candy, then Kylie climbed up in her Mom's lap, wrapped her arms around her neck & said..Mom, I love so much. I just don't know how much you take care of me and Bart how much he takes care of me, & Mema J. Then she goes to Cayla, repeats the same words. Next was Austin, then me and she also talked about Her Papa..he was sleeping & how much he takes care of her! It was so sweet & she said it with such meaning, with those sweet little arms wrapped around our necks! Priceless! She is still on some meds...and they are making her wild....maybe that is where this came from...not!!

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