A few memories I have of Grandma Wisenbaker.
- She was such a support & encourager in our marriage and children!
- She shared her wisdom of scripture with us!
- She helped Winston and I start his farming career by signing a note with him. She was excited about his farming! One of the last times she was able to come over to the farm, she told me how proud she was of him and his operation. She was amazed at how much the farm had grown. She talked about how smart he was and what a hard worker he was, & still is I will add! She also would tell us that "All work & no play made for a dull boy".
- She was so proud of our house we were able to build. Her favorite room was my kitchen. I told her that was because it was the only one that had accessories!
- While visiting with her one day, I remember exactly where she was standing, we were talking about husband's & how they work so hard and can just pick up on Saturday's & go fishing, etc. This was a long time ago, of course! She shared a story about her & Grandpa Gus in their younger years. She said, I would be fussing at him about one thing or another, as we all do at one time or another in our lives, and when he got tired of listening to it, he would just get up, get his fishing pole & tackle box & head out to the pond! She just chuckled as she told me & said it just would make me so mad at him, he would just leave me here fussing, it was such a cute story & I am so glad she shared it with me! Some times we all need a pole & a tackle box!
- I remember talking about being proud of our children. I told her that I knew my Dad was proud of us, but he never bragged on us that I had ever heard! She said, well you tell him that Grandma said, " Well, any old black bird that doesn't think her feathers are the blackest, ain't much of a black bird". We laughed so hard and I told my Dad what she said & he just chuckled! Then he told me he was proud of his girls, but he just didn't like to tell every one about it.....he was so modest!
- She would tell me I needed to come to her house more, because I was good for her soul. She was talking about my laughter. We would talk about all kind of stuff & I am sure I would find some type of humor & share it with her, & then she would chuckle!
- I think Grandma was pretty much a serious type of lady, not full of foolishness you could say, well that is where I came in & filled her soul with laughter. It was my pleasure Grandma, and thank you for treating me as one of your own. I love you and will miss you, your love, your advice and wisdom and the laughter we shared together!
Hugs and Kisses,
Jill your sweet memories are very special to me and I thank you for sharing them with me. You were always a source of joy for Mother.I love you,