Ear Infections

Well, Kylie has got an ear infection in her left ear & fluid behind her right ear. Casey took her to Dr. Allen today. We had tubes put in when she was around a year. About 6 months ago we went for another check-up. The tubes were still in but working their way out, which is what they are supposed to do. From birth to a year old, Kylie had around 12 ear infections. Wonder if we are going to have to do this again? Poor thing, she has ran no fever, no complaining. We began to see some drainage out of the ear. The Dr. had told us that we would see some drainage, so we just thought maybe the tubes were doing their job. Then her ear got a rash on it....so we decided to make an appointment. She let the Dr. know it was raining outside when he came in to see her! When she came home she told us the Dr. told her to stick out her tongue & say ahh. When we put tubes in her ears last time it was just terrible. She screamed for an hour or so afterwards. He had told us that she would do this, most do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that she is having ear trouble-that is NO FUN! Hope she is feeling better soon.


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