Birthday Shopping

Today Kylie, Heather, Martha and myself went to shop for birthday presents for Kylie. Her b-day is on Tuesday the 4th. We will celebrate it Sunday. First, Kylie, Heather and I went to Michaels. Then to Toys-r-us. Kylie had a blast. We bought a few toys, we are getting mostly clothes! When we drove in to town, Kylie said, eat mama eat! I hungie! Off to Chick-fil-a! On to Great-Gma's. Now to the outlet mall. Our first stop was Gap outlet. Well, we had to get Kyie out to try on some pants. She began to shop through the racks & talk just like us. But, she had not done her daily business. While out she loaded her diaper. She usually does not like u to change her unless she is finished. Well, she was stinking up the store, and every time I would go near her she would point her finger & say no mam, get way from me! She did this to all of us. Of course we were laughing hysterically! I finally picked her up, like a sack of tators & placed her on my side. She began kicking & screaming! I was rolling I was laughing so hard! Great G-ma finally quit laughing long enough to pick her up...kicking & screaming...take her and we changed her. She was not happy about it, but was OK after wards. I almost forgot to tell about Grandma Bridges & the merry-go-round. Well, she took Kylie on out of the store while we paid for our items. When we came out, we looked down the way. We saw G-ma holding Kylie on the horse. We walked over & G-ma said she needed some quarters!!! The ride was 75 cents!!! My how prices have increased. Now, one lade had already given her a quarter, the ride still did not work!! I came up with another quarter & the ride began! Then Kylie was scared, well I just climbed up on one of the other horses and rode with her!!! Just visualize that!!! Oh well, those Grand's will make u do lots of things u would not normally do! Kylie took a nap and was better after! Next time I think I will get a sitter!!! Cayla is still pretty sick!

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