10/12/07 Pigeon Forge

Well, I was going to try & go to visit Missy & family in NC this weekend but she is meeting Lynn & Lindsey in P. F. They asked me to come & I am going to try, but I want to make sure Martha is o:k after her surgery! She is doing O:K so I am going on to P. F. for sure! I took my time most of the way, made a stop at a couple of stores.I saw a guy on a motorcycle pop a wheelie on I-75 going about 70 MPH!!! I could not believe my eyes, all the vehicles around him got as far away as they could! After stopping at the Macon mall, headed toward Atlanta. Traffic got pretty bad from north of Macon, to past the Braves stadium. It opened up a little & them stopped. A truck had turned over that a.m. at 11:00. They were still cleaning up what it was hauling at 3:00. I finally got off the I-75 at Cartersville again, trying to find Chick-fil-a. Did not find it, settled for Mikki-D's!!! Back on I-75. (The radio said there were wrecks all over the roads around Atlanta.)On to I-40. Finally got to the P.F. exit. The traffic is bumper to bumper! I am trying to read signs & not hit the person on front of me! Called Lynn, she & Lindsey are about an hour behind me. Missy & Alex are here hunting the hotel also. I got them on the phone. They stopped at the Welcome station. I called the hotel...just a couple of blocks. I did pull off on a side street to make the call, then I pulled out to get back on the road, trying to see my phone to redial Missy, oops, ran up on the sidewalk a tad, glad no one was there!!! On to the hotel. Checked in, here comes Missy & Alex. We went & parked the cars. Got out our luggage, on to the rooms! Visited, waited on L & L. They arrived, the girls want to go swimming. Lynn & I take them swimming. Missy goes to bed! Alex & Lindz sleep in my room! We down loaded the pict. I took & they looked at some other pict. I had. They also hit the snack machines!!! Bed at 2:00!!! Sat a.m....up and eat breakfast! Take some pictures....Off for a day of shopping! It was so much fun laughing & watching the girls shop! We ate a late lunch. Off for more shopping.Now to eat again...at Shoney's coffee & dessert! Back to the hotel, girls go for a swim. Back to the room for a fashion show!!! Sunday a.m....head for home. It is quite a drive, but well worth it for a visit with family. It was just to short of a weekend!!! I so enjoyed spending time with my nieces. I love & miss you both!!! I have ordered a copy of the pict. I took for your They will come to each of you through the mail, be sure & look for them!!!

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