
Today, 23 years ago , we were blessed with a little bundle of joy! A baby boy! I can remember that day like it was yesterday! Cole had a little trouble trying to make his entrance into this world. His heart rate went down to 15 a few times so they decided to do a c-section. Winston & the rest of the family were all nervous because I was having some complications. I think I was the only one not nervous, must have been the Demerol! But God blessed us with a little cone head baby!!!09/25/07 Grandma Bridges made him a chocolate layer cake, it was delicious!!! I did make him take it to his house today because it is to tempting for a chocoholic!!!! (Cayla gave Ky some of it last night & she would smack her lips & say yum, yum wanting more!!! Cayla was cracking up, it was funny!!!) We have been blessed by our Cole Cole and we are proud of him! Happy Birthday Cole!!! We Love You!!! Oh yea, I sang Happy Birthday to you right before I cut your cake. We just could not wait on you any longer!!!Ha!

1 comment:

  1. that cake was really good and im gettin granma to make another one for us moma!@!!!


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