08/29/-09/05-Labor Day Trip

Pa Pa, Kylie & me left for Lake Eufaula today around 1:30. We stopped in Moultrie at Wendys. Pa Pa went in & got our food & we sat in the car. We ate on the way. We stopped on the other side of Moultrie gassed up the car, was going to gas the boat, but to many people. We got back on the road, headed toward Camilla ate our food & watched Madagascar, Ky. favorite movie! Stopped in Camilla, gas boat, change diaper! Back on road. Ky. would mock her Pa Pa every time he would sneeze or cough!!! We lost cell phone signal around Leary. We will call the kids & give directions from rental house, I am typing directions in computer as we go. We stop in Fort Gaines to buy groceries! Ky. still has not gone to sleep!!! Arrive at rental, check phone, we can not dial out! Get back in car, drive to Bakers Landing to use pay phone, Ky. falls asleep. Pay phone will not work!!! Pa Pa goes in & uses their phone to call Cole...no answer! Call Casey...no answer...Pa Pa panicking. Go & unload boat from trailer. Nannie Ma & Ky. sit in car while she takes a nap. Pa Pa is not happy about the phone, he keeps trying. We unload car, Ky. wakes up after nap! Pa Pa goes back to store, Cole & Casey have called the store. Pa Pa calls them back, gives directions!!! Pa Pa tries to call the rental owners, he thinks. We have rented another house previously on Eufaula & I brought those directions because they were better than the ones we had from this rental. Pa Pa takes a paper goes back to store, calls that # to the last house we rented!!!HeHe! I did not know this of course. He comes back to house, did someone call you? & you tell them we were not having any problems? I said, no. Then it hit me....wrong #!!! Found the right #. Back to store, call the correct owners. He said he did not think they had a block on the phone. He will check on it. Cole arrives safely, Ky is happy to see him & her Pa Pa. Winston grills steaks, Ky plays with Uncle Cole. She went to sleep around 12:00!! 09/01/2007 Boy's are golfing @ Bagby State Park! I awoke around 8:00, made coffee & waited for Ky to wake. She wakes around 10:00, ate breakfast. Telephone man calls, finds out there is a lock code on phone!!!! Winston & Cole get back, we decide to go & eat at Bagby by boat. We load up & head out our canal, the water is extremely low!!! When we get to the big water the wind is blowing, it is a little cloudy, we also see people standing up in the middle of lake! Ky. does not like to go fast in the boat, either. We go back & go by car!!! We ate & Kylie was shivering, I thought...somethings up!! Back to house. Guys-golf!!! Ky. & I play & watch toons. Then she feels a bit warm. I took her temp. It is 100.7. Not very high, but will probably get worse. I go to the car, remembered I have some On Star minutes...duh!!!! Called & found the nearest emergency room. Blakely Ga! Wait a while & decide I should go on & get meds. Met Pa Pa & Uncle Cole on the way, Dr. Bridges thinks I am over reacting, she acts fine he said! I said, "O:k , but we will end up there tomorrow and I do not want to spend all day tomorrow there!!! Back to the house! We wait on Casey to arrive! Ky is playing! She likes climbing the stairs! Casey arrives after getting lost, we were getting worried! Grill! Ky has not had a nap. Nannie Ma is exhausted!!! 09/02/2007 We wake up late, went to bed late, Ky not feeling well. We take her to Blakely ER. See nurse, tell her what is going on, in comes Dr. He immediately begins to us about a child with tubes in their ears & how they will run a load grade fever & have ear drainage. (My observation with Ky. earlier was she was looking very weak in her eyes & not acting herself!) He has not even looked at her! He tells us that a low grade temp will not merit us any antibiotic, like we were hooked on them or something. I ask what exactly he thought was causing the low grade temp? Prob. an upper resp. inf. of some kind. Casey then tells him that her temp went to 102 last night....I did not know this & Ky. would not let her touch that ear!!! He said, well that will merit some meds. She may have swimmers ear. Now he looks in her ear....backs up & says,"I am sorry little one, you do have swimmers ear & your ear does hurt! We go to CVS & fill RX. Back to rental, eat, clean get ready to go home tomorrow. Pa Pa gets up & needs to head back, has employees working, we go & load boat, pack car. He leaves, I wait to ride with Casey & Ky. They slept in because of a sleepless night. We leave around 11:00. Ky. was good on the way home. Nice trip home. The house we stayed in was very nice, but needs a phone for emergency use!

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