Soccer 2007

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Cayla was not able to play her senior season of soccer due to a knee injury, we missed it terribly, but know this is just one of the bumps in the road of life. You have been blessed with athletic talent and you gave it your all! We are so proud of you!

Pre-Graduation Day

I came down with a bug during the night. I was so sick!! I could not lift my head up off the pillow without feeling nauseated. I was running fever & had ran to the bathroom just a little, but had thrown up everything but my guts & I think they tried to come up too...sorry!! This morning we were to have a Graduation breakfast at my mother-in-laws, that I was supposed to help with! It was not happening...I had not been this sick in a long time....and what bad timing!!! After the breakfast was Senior Chapel. It is a tradition at GCS, during Senior Chapel...their last chapel...they bid their farewells. Each Senior is given the chance to say a few words. I was so sad that I missed this, but I had to get well for Graduation. A big thank-you to Nichole for sending me that pill! It saved the day!! The breakfast went on without me as well as Senior Chapel, but I was so sad that I had to miss it!

Mr. & Miss GCS 2008

Congrats to Cayla & Benj. on this honor! Cayla we are so very proud of you. You have blessed our lives in so many ways, we love you so much! Mom and Dad!

Casey's 22nd Birthday

How well I remember the day God blessed us with our baby girl, Casey. We had our boy, Cole, 19 months. And then we were given a precious little girl. She was a great baby, sucked her thumb, loved to sleep, I was so excited to have a daughter to dress.She weighed 6 lbs 4 ozs. She was 20 inches long! She weighed 5lbs 14oz, when we brought her home. Winston thought she would break she was so small! On May 6th I went for my check-up, the DR had not checked me as of yet. She was due May 20th & he was determined to take her a week ahead of this. I was to have a c-section, again! I had told him for 9 months that he was wrong on the date, he disagreed! About a week ahead of this he had done the amniocentesis to make sure her lungs were developed, not fun! But they were ready. I had been to Tennessee & to the beach with Gina & Ginny, Willis & Cole, the week & weekend before this date! After he checked me he told me to come straight to his office. The nurse just giggled, she said, well u told him the whole time this baby was coming earlier!! Went to his office & he asked if I had been having any labor pains, not really, just a back ache! Well, that was my labor & I had cleaned everything in my house, even the china cabinet! I remember WB talking to JB on the phone, it was late around 12:00. He asked when I was going to have the baby, WB said...must be soon she is nesting...she is cleaning the china cabinet as we speak!! Anyway, back to the Dr office....he said we are going to have a baby today, around 12:00, you are dilated to 4....go straight to the hospital, they will get u in a room! I said...can I go home & get my suitcase & husband? NO, you are in labor....go to the hospital. No cell phones back in those days, went to the lobby & called my Mom. She panicked...she had Cole & did not know where WB was...I told her he was at the hog pens with Daddy, leave Cole with Daddy. Tell Winston to bring my suitcase!!!I did not have my suitcase with Cole either! I went on upstairs, all the rooms were full. They had no where to put me. I must have stood at the nursery window watching other people's babies for 2 hours before they found a place to put me! They actually prepped me for surgery in my room! Oh, well down to the operating room! I was awake during the surgery as I was with Cole. I did not carry them for 9 months to be the last one to see them!! My blood pressure did drop during this delivery & it felt like someone was sticking a million needles in my shoulders, I had a spinal this time. They quickly tilted the table & put my head lower & then I was nauseated & it was hard to breath, it passed as soon as they made their adjustment...whatever they were! I got a quick look at her & then out went the lights!! That is some good sleep. The worst thing was not being able to move my legs for 8 hours, I think, after the surgery. Finally around 9:00 that night a new shift came in. They had these stocking on my legs & they were so tight they hurt, I talked the head nurse into taking them off....she barely go them off....she said, these are to tight...tell me about it! I felt like a new person after she took those off!!! Cole was not scared of her breaking as he brought her down the hall with her feet dangling on the floor when she was about a month old! WB was supposed to be watching them!

Post Surgery Update

Cayla began physical therapy the Monday after surgery. The therapist was very impressed with Cayla and her progress. She has been doing exercises since her injury. Her Dr. told her the PT would be easier if she would go ahead & begin the exercises. She did & it paid off. Instead of 3 times week, she was able to go twice a week. She was able to come out of her brace in late April!!! She was excited! She now goes to therapy once a week!!! She still has to be careful with the knee. It takes every bit of 6 months for the graft to grow together & be strong again. No activity or being around horse play! We told her she now has a knee worth $20,000.00 dollars!!! Unbelievable!!!! One of the most amazing things has been how quick she lost the muscles in that leg. It is quite smaller than the other. I have been told it may be stronger than the good leg after pt. Cayla has gone to a couple of soccer games, but it is just to hard for her to watch so she just has to stay away. She has a new set of golf clubs that she has used a little. We are learning to play and it is not as easy as it looks!!! May is going to be very busy with it being the end of school!!!

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