I Had a Little Turtle

The Turtle

Today as we were coming up the drive we saw a turtle in the drive. I could not resist the opportunity to show Kylie this turtle. Cayla got out to get it, she was not to sure of this! Hee! We put it in a shoe box & took it to the barn so Papa could enjoy this with us!!We let it out of the box & it took off, Kylie did know what to think of this, she said, dat scare me! Sydney did not know what to make of this turtle either! We told Kylie about the turtle & watched it for a few minutes. Then we took it back to the pond to set it free. When I placed it by the pond it stuck its head out, it could smell the water! Kylie was amazed when it went in the water & swam! I tried to teach her the turtle poem, not interested!

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